just awoke dreamt about https://t.co/aq9Q7op3Ow about doctor talking resistance like #immunology saying don't drink alot alcohol like some
— Dream: Is that PH 7? (@SomaticStemCell) February 27, 2016
Dream: Cancer Caused By the Presence of 3; 1 Halugenic, Invent Control 7 for Halugenic - "rinig" (Listen/Hear) Water/Genome
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Comments for Fight Aging!
Saturday, February 27, 2016
alcohol vs. resistance/immunology
Monday, February 22, 2016
Sign the metformin government human trial petition!
The first ever FDA approved study to target aging as a disease resulting in increased lifespan needs your signature! https://t.co/PEdTohWqK6
— Healthspan Policy (@Healthspan123) February 22, 2016
SIRT1 & Curcumin
Curcumin as therapeutics for the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by activating SIRT1. http://t.co/io5m77j9Yv
— OTOdocs (@OTO_docs) August 25, 2015
This study demonstrates potent in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of #curcumin in a SIRT1-dependent fashion.:… http://t.co/Qe7T6tnhtV
— RAWW (@R_A_W_W) August 26, 2015
Curcumin of turmeric (Curcuma Longa) activates SIRT1 and has #AntiCancer properties.http://t.co/fzPfr1pZrw @nature
— Alok Upadhyay (@alok7667) September 8, 2015
Curcumin treatment attenuates ischemic stroke-induced brain injury via activation of SIRT1. https://t.co/0qkCTA4FWD
— Totalhealth ng (@mytotalhealthng) December 10, 2015
SIRT1 & Telomerase
SIRT1 may regulate TERT expression in hepatocellular carcinoma cells http://t.co/qEREpdJkjy via @PLOSONE | #epigenetics #sirtuin #telomerase
— Sylwia Borska (@SylviaBorska) January 9, 2014
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Resveratol and Metformin (SIRT1/AMPK)
Resveratrol and metformin lower blood glucose via SIRT1 and AMPK dependent pathways....paper 1. http://t.co/SvYt7IBugo
— Aging Cell (@AgingCell) May 6, 2015
Aging has already been found to be reversed, so that means.. ( unacceptable, Biomedical Gerontology the forefront)
On average 150'000 people die on Earth every day. 100'000 from old age. So old age is by far the biggest killer out there.
— Anthony Cooke (@AntSaysThis) August 30, 2015
@brightwe for example if someone dying of old age isn't viewed as a catastrophic event, but if 100,000 die horribly for no reason, that is.
— Andy (@ajteevan) April 29, 2012
- ENZYMES BASED, mustard [curcumin/turmeric], study it, cancer
Cancer causing Alkalis are found above 7.0 pH. Life is found below 7.0 pH. Life burns Raw Enzymes (acids) and disposes of alkalis (waste).
— ROGER BEZANIS (@RogerBezanis) July 27, 2013
- interactive dream, I decided to ask for cure for cancer they said VINEGAR but not for all cancers, new cancers given to our Earth intentionally not cured yet
Saturday, February 20, 2016
All tweets AROS & SIRT1
New IMP: Molecular architecture of the human protein deacetylase Sirt1 and its regulation by AROS and #resveratrol http://t.co/HW9F3ss8pR
— Bioscience Reports (@BiosciReports) April 3, 2013
Active regulator of SIRT1 is required for ribosome biogenesis and function http://t.co/ns9pmPdNlB Active regulator of SIRT1 (AROS) binds ...
— Fabrice Leclerc (@rnomics) March 6, 2013
Friday, February 19, 2016
listen/hear water genome (Daphnia) - Is that PH 7?
#Cancer:Analysis of #DNAMethylation & Hydroxymethylation in the #Genome of #Crustacean #DaphniaPulex - #cancer #stem https://t.co/i2nVxSH791
— Dream: Is that PH 7? (@SomaticStemCell) February 20, 2016
@wtrflea_papers #NIH #WHO
— Dream: Is that PH 7? (@SomaticStemCell) February 20, 2016
Dream: #Cancer Caused By Presence 3, 1 #Halugenic, Invent Control 7 for Halugenic=rinig(Listen/hear) #WaterGenome
Shinya Yamanaka @SomaticStemCell after all 10 years #Nobel
@CellStemCell #Nobel congratulations, it was the #Somatic #StemCell after all / anniversary
— Dream: Is that PH 7? (@SomaticStemCell) February 20, 2016
sex wins
@SomaticStemCell https://t.co/n1aICso7q1
— Dream: Is that PH 7? (@SomaticStemCell) February 20, 2016
Friday, February 5, 2016
untrue = before and after blastocyst/implantation (naive)
#Embryonic #stemcell #research in petri dish loses #DNAmethylation integrity & human connectivity
— `There is no time` (@SomaticStemCell) February 5, 2016
missing naive eschttps://t.co/0UMRLUfgtD
My historic tweet today:
— `There is no time` (@SomaticStemCell) February 5, 2016
2013 https://t.co/0MT0A9nDXh
2016 Genetic Cycling & Regenerate Young radical #LifeExtensionhttps://t.co/pIsWY6rjZr
2 years ago to date the molecular #FountainOfYouth #SIRT3 discovered #BiomedicalGerontology
@denisovans Have you seen our magazine articles on metformin? http://t.co/sckGZUoS and http://t.co/RuFCv418
— Life Extension (@LifeExtension) March 7, 2012
And thanks to @SomaticStemCell for retweeting too - and anyone else who is out there sharing our tweets and resources. Have a great weekend
— EuroStemCell (@eurostemcell) September 28, 2012
Thursday, February 4, 2016
A First: Genetic Cycling (Regenerate Young)
Scientists extend life by 35% in mice by clearing cellular "litter" (via @Newsweek) #aging | https://t.co/G3CgUPDHKk pic.twitter.com/FQIcYaJbxs
— Methuselah (@mfoundation) February 4, 2016
Genetic Cycling & Reenerate Young (next to try human implications)
Blog Archive
- alcohol vs. resistance/immunology
- Sign the metformin government human trial petition!
- SIRT1 & Curcumin
- SIRT1 & Telomerase
- Resveratol and Metformin (SIRT1/AMPK)
- Aging has already been found to be reversed, so th...
- - ENZYMES BASED, mustard [curcumin/turmeric], stud...
- All tweets AROS & SIRT1
- listen/hear water genome (Daphnia) - Is that PH 7?
- Shinya Yamanaka @SomaticStemCell after all 10 year...
- sex wins
- untrue = before and after blastocyst/implantation ...
- http://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-...
- 2 years ago to date the molecular #FountainOfYouth...
- A First: Genetic Cycling (Regenerate Young)
Featured Post

Proud to announce the release of the Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology, edited by professor Suresh Rattan. #gerontology, #aginghttps://t.co/fLsaMqQJxW
Go Daphnia! Does genome size matter? this water flea has 8000 more genes than human http://bit.ly/hYpD2H #genome
— Juliana A (@Symbiologica) February 4, 2011In 1900 the average lifespan in the US was 47.
— Quirky Facts (@QuirkFacts) February 22, 2015
Regardless whether you put #aging out of your mind or not you're going to continue to age until it becomes a problem. Instead of putting it out of your mind until the problem's at your doorstep why not try to reverse it? Indeed biogerontology & biomedical gerontology are on it.
— Zena O'Brien #GeneralStrike (@ZenaMOBrien) January 10, 2019
pic.twitter.com/KHwpVKfIt9— Elsevier Major Reference Works (@ElsevierMRW) December 9, 2019