Dream: Cancer Caused By the Presence of 3; 1 Halugenic, Invent Control 7 for Halugenic - "rinig" (Listen/Hear) Water/Genome

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Friday, December 19, 2014

"Cancer caused by Presence of 3, 1 halugenic, invent control 7, rinig [Listen] water genome" - Dreams

As I go through my dream notes throughout the day, 
I will tally all the mentions of "cancer"

- "Cancer caused by Presence of 3, 1 halugenic, invent control 7, rinig [Listen] water genome"
- I was drinking from a 3rd water, head straight back, upwards drinking from dripping 3rd water 
saying "Is that PH 7?" then saw Daphne (from Scooby Doo)
- "Watermelon Husks"
- "Have to Add curcumin to something else"
- "You would have had the cure by now if were doing pushups (more) = the color orange"
- "Blue Light"
- "Need Grape to Escape"
- Man surviving climate changes, up to neck in water, time slip, bird feet drops off man again; 
now, need man cries "Honey" to live on... (for good)
- saw Guyana Berry ? (10/25/2011 morning)
- interactive dream, I decided to ask for cure for cancer they said VINEGAR but not for all cancers, 
new cancers given to our Earth intentionally not cured yet
- ENZYMES BASED, mustard [curcumin/turmeric], study it, cancer
- "Kooties"
...to be continued

-Oral Sex after giving birth may lead to cancer
- 12/19/2014
_ [in the] "#SunSweetTomatoes (only)"
Me:mentioned once on TV
"There is no time"
"[eat] 3X a Week"

Friday, October 31, 2014

Dream: Not #Semination , #Fertilization but less 50% fat/around cell & 30% #FattyLiver

Dream: Not #Semination , #Fertilization but less 50% fat/around cell & 30% #FattyLiver

Thursday, October 30, 2014

BONE MARROW Wins ( Immunotherapy )

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

*Edit* Correction - Dream: Do you have a problem with #Science in the non-adoption of protected articles

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