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Comments for Fight Aging!
Monday, September 23, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
Its "Biomedical Gerontology"
34th Symposium of Japan Society for #Biomedical #Gerontology http://t.co/ikuVEcgg #biomedicalgerontologyjapan #stemcellsaging #bioscience
— Biotech Calendar (@biotechcalendar) October 12, 2012
One last thing I was thinking about in response to a SENS video is using the anti-aging industry in biomedical gerontology's favor. To actually get out there and promote genuine anti-aging therapies rather than creams and other cosmetics. #antiaging
— Zena O'Brien (@ZenaMOBrien) December 18, 2018
Regardless whether you put #aging out of your mind or not you're going to continue to age until it becomes a problem. Instead of putting it out of your mind until the problem's at your doorstep why not try to reverse it? Indeed biogerontology & biomedical gerontology are on it.
— Zena O'Brien (@ZenaMOBrien) January 10, 2019
Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey. #DefeatAging #LongevityEscapeVelocity #longevity https://t.co/ZXjCJQ65vW pic.twitter.com/t3RKmn8mGl
— Michael Ten 🌞 (@iMichaelTen) October 13, 2017
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Proud to announce the release of the Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology, edited by professor Suresh Rattan. #gerontology, #aginghttps://t.co/fLsaMqQJxW
Go Daphnia! Does genome size matter? this water flea has 8000 more genes than human http://bit.ly/hYpD2H #genome
— Juliana A (@Symbiologica) February 4, 2011In 1900 the average lifespan in the US was 47.
— Quirky Facts (@QuirkFacts) February 22, 2015
Regardless whether you put #aging out of your mind or not you're going to continue to age until it becomes a problem. Instead of putting it out of your mind until the problem's at your doorstep why not try to reverse it? Indeed biogerontology & biomedical gerontology are on it.
— Zena O'Brien #GeneralStrike (@ZenaMOBrien) January 10, 2019
pic.twitter.com/KHwpVKfIt9— Elsevier Major Reference Works (@ElsevierMRW) December 9, 2019