Dream: Cancer Caused By the Presence of 3; 1 Halugenic, Invent Control 7 for Halugenic - "rinig" (Listen/Hear) Water/Genome

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Dream: "Cancer caused by Presence 3, 1 Halugenic, invent control 7 for Halugenic, 'rinig '= Listen/Hear Genome, Water"

Aug 29, 2016 pH-responsive DNA capsules release QD loads Researchers at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel have fabricated DNA microcapsules loaded with semiconducting quantum dots. The capsules are sensitive to pH and release their QD load at pHs of above 7. They might be used as chemotherapeutic drug carriers to treat cancer cells, which are acidic.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Learn to Respect: "Will Embryonic Stem Cells Ever Cure Anything?"

Harvard Scientists lose all moral authority on negligent claims to have cured diabetes in humans with embryonic, now using IPSC's.. I had a long, ongoing dispute based of dreams and daydreamimg where I was shunned..
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/602143/will-embryonic-stem-cells-ever-cure-anything/@ SOMATIC STEM CELL

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