Dream: Cancer Caused By the Presence of 3; 1 Halugenic, Invent Control 7 for Halugenic - "rinig" (Listen/Hear) Water/Genome

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Comments for Fight Aging!

Monday, January 25, 2016

New Dream says now it's popular: Fountain of Youth ( Goat's Rue, French Lilac, Italian Finch, Professor Weed ) - Metformin/Sirt1

if eat the plant increases breast milk which is 30% stemcells;

Metformin comes from its flower (galega officinalis)

New Trend: Sirtfoods Diet (Sirtfood: walnuts - omega 3)

metformin works on the ‘longevity gene’ SIRT1 to protect the user’s vascular system against deterioration caused by glucose toxicity.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sound found for stem cells

now I understand some of my dreams about hydra yesterday and cancer having to listen/hear water genome

surface-reflected bulk waves

rinig is a tagalog/Filipino word that means hear and listen: derived old dream
Dreams:Cancer caused by Presence of 3,1 halugenic,invent control 7 for halugenic,`rinig`(Listen/Hear)water genome #Daphnia,Is that PH7?


Tribute - @SomaticStemCell : twitter thanks will have been the best years ever for this niche (Fountain of Youth, Embryonic Lost)

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1985: Cocoon

Daphnia SIRT1